LIVLOLA Online Fitness Program FAQ
First Sign Up After You Have Made A Purchase
1. After you have made a purchase of any LIVLOLA Online Fitness Program, you will receive an email within 24 hours.
2. Find email titled "Welcome to LIVLOLA". If you couldn't find it in your Primary inbox, try looking for it at your Spam/Junk mail.
3. Set up your password for LIVLOLA Sweat Dashboard
4. Once you've setup your password, you will be able to access your LIVLOLA Sweat Dashboard.
How To Access Your Programs Daily
1. Head over to

2. Sign in with your email address that you have used to purchase the program and the password that you've set for your First Sign Up.
Frequently Asked Question
1. Do I need to sign up for a new account or go through the first sign up process, if I purchase another online program?
No, you don't need to sign up again. You just have to login to your LIVLOLA Sweat Dashboard, and it will automatically appear within 24 hours upon purchase.
2. Will this program expire?
No. You will get lifetime access to this program.
3. Do I get to access the program with LIVLOLA member's portal?
No. The account that you have set up for this program is a separate account. Hence, you won't be able to access the program via LIVLOLA member's portal.
4. Do I get updates from the program (ie. new videos, new guides..)?
Yes, we will be updating the content in the program from time to time. So keep a look out for it!